Every Story Matters
It’s a simple truth that drives us to want to know more about you – every story is different, every story matters.
We accept you for who you are, no judgements.
Our culturally responsive services are for everyone and anyone. Whatever your cultural background, sexual orientation or circumstance, however you find yourself here today, we’re here to help. We accept you for who you are, no judgements. By listening, appreciating and understanding the complete picture of why you’re where you are today, we can find the best way to help.
You are the author of your future
For us, ‘success’ means no longer needing us. Mind blown? Think about it. We’re not here to provide quick fixes or comforting crutches. We’re here to help restore your resilience so you can take back control of your life, by yourself. The answers to your problems lie within. Building and maintaining healthy relationships. Finding stable accommodation. Getting in a better headspace.
As you make small improvements and build a sense that you can do this, we’ll link you to other service providers to create a flow-on effect of positivity that transforms how you connect with family, friends and community.
Soon enough you’ll realise that what you thought was a mountain to climb was actually just a gentle hill. We promise you the feeling that’s about to come will be life changing. At times there are no words to describe the overcoming feelings of joy and relief you’ll experience once you make important breakthroughs. Getting your children back, mending relationships, forgiving, forgetting, living, loving. The emotions can hit so hard the tears of happiness just flood right out. Are you ready for what’s to come? We can’t wait to hear your story.
Once we know your story better, we can help with your circumstances and mindset.
Right now your worldview may be focussed internally feeling like “things happen to you”. This tends to increase a sense of negativity, leaving you anxious, tense, emotionally up and down and prone to giving up too easily. Sound familiar? Our job is to help you believe “you make things happen”. When you see yourself as being in control of your own future, you’ll be less prone to stress related illnesses and depression, more positive, independent and expect to do be successful in most things you do. This sets off a chain of positivity in your life, where you’re more likely to stay on top of your health and happiness and proactively build relationships and connections.
We have the information, resources and support to help you build your sense of being in control, restore the real you and change the direction your life is heading. Remember – the sooner you act, the sooner we can start your journey.