Help with problems at school or home
The Reconnect Program breaks the cycle of homelessness by providing community-based early intervention services to the whole family, from counselling to group work, mediation and practical support.
When you’re a young person aged 12 to 18 years at risk of being (or already) kicked out of home, there’s one thing missing in your life – connection. Connection with family, friends, school, work, the community and, in many ways, yourself. With early intervention, you can build the skills needed to turn your life around. Reconnect is designed to stabilise your living situation and improve your level of engagement with family, work, education, training and their local community. The benefits flow from this can be truly life-changing.
How it works
Think of it as nothing more than a safe space to talk to an adult about what’s going on. We’ll help ease life stresses by boosting life connections, then recommend other link up services (like specialised mental health services) to ensure you get the help you deserve. You learn techniques on how to improve your self-esteem, wellbeing, sexual health and peer relationships, overcome challenges that can lead to parent and adolescent conflict, develop skills to maintain relationships and deal with conflict, stay engaged in school, training or your workplace, minimise the risk of family disconnection, learn how to maintain contact with significant people and minimise the risk of homelessness.