Support my child

Helping you create a positive home environment where your children can happily develop and grow. 

Helping you, help them

Parenting is easy (said no one, ever). Truth is, most of us are battling in different ways every day. Single parenting, behavioural problems, financial hardships, social isolation, past and present trauma, Covid stresses – the struggle is real.

That doesn’t change the fact all want the best for our kids during this critical developmental stage. So, who do you turn to for help? Peers at the playground? The child health nurse? At Accordwest, we don’t have a magic book on parenting, but we do have your back, thanks to CaPS.

So, what exactly is CaPS?

Available in Manjimup and surrounds, CaPS is a holistic support program that helps families flourish by giving you the resources and support you need. It’s successful because it looks at family struggles from both ends, encouraging kids to look within themselves to better control their emotions, and empowering parents to better understand their needs so you can create positive experiences that set them up for a brighter future.

Choosing Accordwest CaPS gives you access to amazing support at your fingertips. Here’s a sneak peak:

1. Individual parenting support
– Information
– Advice
– Practical in-home support (parenting, goal setting, family functioning).

2. Parenting workshops
– Circle of Security
– Tuning into Kids
– Emotion Coaching
– Bringing up Great Kids in the First 1000 days
– Protective Behaviours.

3. Group sessions for children
– Protective Behaviours
– Rhythm and Movement for Self-Regulation.

Whether one-on-one or in a group, we’ll work with you and your family to find the right support you need to thrive as a loving, caring team. You’ve got this.

Right… So how does it all work?

The CaPs journey is like a family trip down the South West Highway. Just stay focused, enjoy the ride, and soon enough you’ll get where you need to go.

First, we boost your awareness.

Hey, you don’t know what you don’t know, right? Seeing something from a new perspective can change the way you see the world – and yourself. It’s the same with family struggles. If you’re finding your kids have meltdowns at times or are acting up, often it’s because they’re unable to pick up on the cues, triggers and signs. Once they’re made aware of them, they’ll learn to search within for answers, unlocking the secret to regulate their emotions and handle challenging experiences a lot better.

For parents and carers, it’s all about being aware of your kid’s needs, their goals and how to set them. This is the first step towards building a stronger connection with each other. It’s also about being aware of support services and resources available in the community that meet your needs.

Next, we boost your confidence.

Now that your child has increased awareness within themselves, and you better understand how you can help each other, we’ll work together on building confidence in your ability to skilfully put strategies into use – and make them stick.

You’ll feel more and more sure of the support services you need and how to access them, so booking them in becomes less overwhelming and more second nature. Trust us, the rewards soon start to show as you continue to work hard to improve your relationships with each other and your child learns how to better catch life’s curveballs.

So you get to experience this.

Cool, calm and in control – that’s what’s waiting for you if you want it. The more you work at it, the more confident and ready you’ll be to address the struggles that impact your family as they arise, and, ultimately, help your child boost their happiness and wellbeing.

Let’s make it happen.

Sounds amazing right? No more excuses for putting it off any longer. The sooner you act, the better off you’ll be.

Simply call 1800 115 799 (toll free) Monday to Friday between 9 and 5. Our dedicated Client Services team are here to ensure your enquiry is heard by the most appropriate person who will call you back within 24 hours.

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